If You Want To Discover How To Write High Converting, Ethical And Honest Copy Then I Invite You To Join My Family

Plus I’ll Keep You Consistent With All Your Social Content And Emails

Join The Copy Father's Family

£ 97 Monthly
  • Weekly Copy Training
  • Consistency Accountability
  • Complete Access To Me!

As a member of The Copy Father’s Family, I will reveal to you all my profit-creating secrets that I’ve discovered over my years in the copywriting industry working for people like Jay Abraham, Adam Lyons, and countless other coaches you’ve probably heard of.

And thanks to my accountability system, I’ll ensure that you put out regular, decent emails and social content just like I have for the past 2 years+.

You'll Discover...

You'll Get...

From the outside looking in, Copywriting can look like a wizard performing spells.

Some magic words are said, bippity boppity boo, money is made.

The truth is, there’s a very simple and clear explanation of what Copywriting is and how you can do it…

It’s a mixture of human psychology, analytics and creativity.

You need to understand human psychology so you know how people behave and why they make the decisions they do.

Analytics are important because you need to be able to understand data and act on what you see.

And finally creativity means you can come up with the hooks and angles that stand out amongst the competition.

This is why I’ve always loved the art of Copywriting – it pleases both my scientific and creative mind.

However, it does take time and effort to learn how to write good Copy that doesn’t rely on scammy tactics like fake scarcity, fear mongering and over hyping.

And what you’ll find with 90% of the programs that are out there right now is they will only show you what has worked for THEM.

As a result you end up becoming a carbon copy of them which may or may not work for your industry.

That’s not what I want for you…

People buy from people. Never be afraid to be your wonderfully weird self!

As a member of The Copy Father’s Family, you will discover the psychology and the building block principles of Copywriting and uncover what I call “open formulas”.

These are the formulas that I use to give me structure but allow enough freedom to create your authentic message.

This will help you to take the in-depth knowledge you have of your industry and share it with your readers in a clear, concise, persuasive manner.

Basically, I’ll show you how to share your personality and knowledge in a way that gets better conversion rates.

Plus, I’ll keep you accountable to make sure that you stay consistent with posting on social media AND to your email list.

This consistency will make sure you have a tribe of followers who know, like, and trust YOU for who you are.

By following what I teach you’ll put out high converting, ethical Copy AND have fun doing it.

Who Is The Copy Father?

Mark “The Copy Father” Kington has been a direct response Copywriter since 2017.

Since then he’s worked with people like Jay Abraham, Adam Lyons, and countless other clients from various industries.

The Copy Fathers high converting, story-based, authentic, honest, and ethical style of Copywriting has always helped him stand out from the crowd.

He was also the very first winner of the 2 Pizza Club Award!

… And he talks in the third person.

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Join The Copy Father's Family

£ 97 Monthly
  • Weekly Copy Training
  • Consistency Accountability
  • Complete Access To Me!