Do you want to write emails like an experienced Copywriter?

Discover How To Write The 30-Day Email Sequence That I’ve Used To Make My Clients Over $1 Million In Collective Sales

This Sequence Will Strengthen The Relationship With Your Audience, Position You As An Expert, And Make You Money!

Right now, I imagine there’s one of 2 things happening with your email list…

Either you have a list but haven’t emailed them yet and it’s just a wasted asset.


You have a list, you email them occasionally but you don’t know how to make money out of it.

An email list, like a lot of things, is one of those amazing assets that you can easily create and turn into a money-making profit machine.

But without knowing what you are doing with it, you’re going to be like a eunuch with a hard-on…

You know it has a purpose and you know it can do wonderful things, you just don’t know how to use it.

Well, I wanna show you how to use it.

No, not that, your email list…

What if I could show you how to write a 30-day email sequence that I have personally used to launch my own clients’ products and has been responsible for over $1 Million in sales?

This sequence has been specially designed to strengthen the relationship with an audience, position you as an expert, AND make sales.

This is an ideal sequence to start your email list with OR reignite your old dead list and turn it into the money-making machine that you always hoped you would have.

If that sounds like something that would tickle your pickle then keep on reading and let’s have some fun…

Who The Fudge Are You!?

Before I get into that though, you may be wondering who the fuck this bearded weirdo is talking to you through this sales letter.

Well, allow me to introduce myself!

My name is Mark Kington and I’m The Copy Father.

I’ve made my clients collectively over 7 figures in revenue and worked with some pretty big names in the industry including:

  • Entrepreneurial Legend Jay Abraham
  • SMART Business Owner Adam Lyons
  • Marketplace SuperHeroes own Stephen Somers
  • Dan Meredith from Coffee With Dan fame
  • And a few other big names that I can’t name due to NDAs!


Through working with these coaching legends I’ve seen exactly what it takes to monetize an email list and more importantly what to avoid!

Now, having been around the Copywriting world for a while now, I’ve seen that there’s a lot of misinformation around.

People selling sleazy tactics that are just fucking wrong.

So, I want to share with you a sequence that WORKS and works the RIGHT way.

That’s why I created something different…

Introducing The One Month Email Workshop Thing!

This is a collection of workshop videos that I recorded back in March 2023 that reveals how to write a month’s worth of emails to position you as the expert you are, build a strong relationship with your audience (and their inbox), and make a bunch of sales in under 30 days!

In each video, you will see what the focus of the emails should be for that week, why you should be writing them this way, and how to write them.

This will allow you to build up your Copywriting knowledge and know how to write a proven sequence that WORKS.

Here’s how the videos will break down:

Week 1 - How To Write An Email

There’s no point in me giving you a sequence of emails to write if you don’t know how to write an email in the first place!

That’s why in week one I reveal to you The Copy Father way of writing an engaging, entertaining, value-filled email.

During this video, you’ll discover:

  • How to write a subject line that your audience can’t wait to open
  • The 5 sections that your email needs to be valuable, engaging, and persuasive
  • What language is best to use when writing an email
  • Storycrafting secrets to make even the mundane sound exciting
  • And so much more!


This section alone is worth the investment of the course because you can use this formula to write all kinds of emails from every day emails to your list up to sharing your biggest money making offers!

This formula has served me well over the years and now it’s all yours.

Week 2 - Get To Know Me! (Not Me, You)

Now you know how to write an email, it’s time to get to the actual email sequence.

And you start things off by introducing yourself (Or reintroducing yourself!) so they know who the buggery fudge is talking to them.

Otherwise, it’s just another stranger in their inbox. 

And no one wants a stranger in their box!

Here’s what you get in week 2:


  • The 5 emails to send through week 1 to let the audience know who is talking to them and why you are worth listening to
  • How to start building a good relationship with their inbox so you don’t hit the spam bin
  • When to use social proof and the most powerfully entertaining way to do that
  • A secret trick to get ideas for future content while benefiting the audience for a win-win for everyone
  • And so much more!


With this first week in the books, your audience will know exactly who you are (And what you stand for!), will love you for it, and be ready for more.

And that’s exactly what you’re going to give them…

Week 3 - Value Bomb

It’s not enough just for the audience to know who you are…

They’ve got to believe that you are the right person to help them with the problem that they have.

To do that you need to demonstrate that you know what you’re talking about and have the skills to help.

So, you need to share value and that’s what week 3 is all about!

This week you’re going to uncover:


  • How to build up your “Value Bank Account” with the audience so you’re in their good graces
  • One of the most powerful Copywriting formulas and how to use it in the RIGHT way
  • The “Lock & Key” concept that will help you to come up with all the valuable content ideas that you need
  • What you can do to pre-frame your audience ready for launching the offer
  • And so much more!


Plus on top of that, you’ll also see me break down someone’s email and watch how my brain works to be able to see my process and use it for yourself.

This week is all about give, give, give!

No one is going to complain you’re giving too much value, especially when it helps what comes next…

Week 4 - Launch Week

You’ve laid down all the groundwork and now this is where the fun begins…

It’s time to launch an offer and start bringing in some money!

To do that, this week, we are going to be focused on the benefits of the offer so your audience will see how incredible this will be for their life. 


This week you’ll discover:


  • How to introduce your product to your list and show them all the reasons why they need to invest
  • The best way to speak to the emotional decision-making side of their brain
  • Whether you need a landing page for your offer or not
  • How to position the offer to have a high perceived value so your audience feels like they’re getting a great offer
  • And (you guessed it!) so much more! 

Plus you’ll see when to start peppering scarcity in to start building up the fear of missing out in your audience to encourage those sales.

This week is all about talking to their emotions.

In the final week, we tackle the logical side…

Week 5 - Handling Objections

People need an emotional AND logical reason to invest in something.

This week we are going to be handling their objections using logical arguments that will confirm for them that they can’t afford NOT to invest in the offer.

In this final week I’ll reveal:

  • How to use a herd mentality to show them that they aren’t the only ones benefiting from this offer
  • The way to use a guarantee to remove any elements of financial risk for them
  • 3 main objections that everyone has before making a decision and how to handle each one
  • The RIGHT way to use scarcity that’s based on honesty no matter your offer is
  • And a whole lot more

By the end of this week, there should be no more excuses from anyone.

They will either be in or they won’t but you know that you’ll have done everything you can to convince them why the offer is the solution to their problem.

And here’s a tip…

You can run this email sequence every single month and just extend the value section over the introduction! 

This is the only email sequence you will ever need and you have the opportunity to get it here today, right now.

Don’t Just Hear It From Me!

Now, I get it you are probably still wondering if I actually know what I’m talking about or not!

Sure, I’m talking a big game but so do a lot of people on the internet.

So, let’s hear it from some OTHER people…

Imagine Mark's workshop as a Lego set for superb email copy. You start with snapping together the basic blocks, and before you know it, you're crafting everything from no-nonsense offers to captivating stories. Almost instantly, Mark zeroed in on a gap in my editing process that had slipped by me. Thanks to his hands-on guidance and killer toolkit, I'm now submitting work to clients with newfound confidence. Comparing Mark's workshop to other email courses that nearly cleaned out my wallet, this bad boy delivers a jaw-dropping ten times the value at a fraction of the price. 10/10.
Keith Howard
We definitely enjoy Mark Kington’s copy for our company. Can’t complain about the 7 figures a year it generates from all our true stories either. The guy is a legend that actually bothers to go through all our content and stories to base his copy on true events in our clients lives. So much harder than just making up BS. Ethical and good.
Adam Lyons
Serial Entrepreneur
Mark helps me not feel dumb. Whether it’s because of his memes or straightforward approach to copy, marketing and sales - I feel like I can understand what he’s saying. This is helpful, because being able to understand what he says means I now know how to make loads of money online 🙂 It’s as if there’s a science to it… Thanks Mark.
Samuel Jackson
Optimization Officer

How Much Is The One Month Email Workshop Thing?

So, time for the $6,000,000 question…

How much is the One Month Email Workshop Thing?

To get access will be a one off investment of just £197.

The reason for this is because I want this to be easily accessible for anyone who wants to build up their email list and turn it into the money making machine they know it can be.

And just think…

When you invest in this programme, if you sell an offer that is worth just £97 all you need to do is make 2 sales using this sequence.

After that, everything you make is pure profit in your pocket!

Plus you can use this offer over and over again which means the sky’s the limit for the ROI on this bad boy!

To get your hands on this no brainer offer it’s really simple…

All you have to do is click the button below.

You’ll be taken to my secure order form where you can enter your regular details.

Once your payment clears, you’ll receive immediate, life long access to the full One Month Email Workshop Thing!

That’s all there is to it.

Here’s the magic button you’re looking for…

Not convinced yet, huh?

Well, I better add in a whole bunch of bonuses then to make sure that you have everything you need to kick ass with your Copywriting!

Are you ready for these?

Here we go:

Swipey Swipey!

To really make life easy for you I’ve added in a whole bunch of swipes for this entire sequence from start to finish.

Right from the introduction all the way to the close down sequence.

That means that you can just take my words, change the voice, add in your offer and send.

I’m practically doing all the work here for you! 

The 40% Jay Abraham Video Breakdown

 Ok, so this is a big one.

When I got a 40% conversion rate for one of Jay Abrahams products, I filmed a video breakdown.

BUT I was never allowed to release it.

Now, enough time has passed and the page is no longer active there’s nothing stopping me from releasing this video!

I really pull back the curtain here as well by breaking down every section of the page explaining why I did the things I did and how they work.

And the ONLY way you get to see it is by investing in the One Month Email Workshop Thing. 

Access To An Exclusive Copy Father Community

You’ll get lifetime membership to The Exclusive Copy Father community.

This is a private area away from any social media websites that lets you be you (as long as you’re not a dick!) and interact with other people just like you who understand the journey you’re going on.

Plus, I’ll be around to answer your questions and give you some gentle guidance!

So, let’s sum this all up for those of you who skimmed through to the end (I see you!)…

Here’s what you get when you invest in the One Month Email Workshop Thing for £197:

You get all of that for just £197!?

I really must be insane offering all of that for such a ridiculous price!

All you need to do to get access to all of that awesomeness is just simply hit the button below and enter your regular details on my secure order form.

The button is just below and I’ll see you in there…

Much Love!

The Copy Father