We have exciting plans for 2013 to reach more dads, help more families, and advocate on behalf of responsible fatherhood - with the ultimate goal of improving child well-being and creating a world in which every child has a 24/7 Dad ℠. But we need your help.
As we start 2013, will you join our 12 Dollars, 12 Months, 12 Dads challenge?
It costs $12 to provide a dad with one of NFI's evidence-based fatherhood handbooks to help him build his fathering skills. We are looking for 100 people to commit to donate $12 a month to help one dad every month. If we reach that goal, together we will equip 1,200 extra dads in 2013 with resources to help them connect with their children heart-to-heart!
Will you be one of our team of 100 giving $12 a month to help a dad?
For example,
$12 gives an incarcerated father an InsideOut Dad™ handbook to help him connect with his child even while behind bars and build a successful reentry plan for when he returns to his family.
Or, $12 gives a dad in a community like yours a 24/7 Dad™ handbook to help him build fathering skills like communicating with his child, working with mom, and understanding the impact of his relationship with his own father.
Each time a dad completes one of NFI's evidence-based, tested and proven programs, a child is more likely to benefit from a dad who is involved, responsible, and committed. You can help make that happen.
Joining the 12 Dollar challenge is an easy but significant way to make a difference in the lives of kids. Plus, all donations are tax deductible!
Will you take the challenge?
Donations represent a gift to the entire mission of NFI. To help the most number of children and families, we use your gifts where they can do the most good by pooling them with the gifts of others. And, because you are helping to change children’s lives, your gift is tax deductible!