As we head into the holiday season and the end of the year, we're
Giving Thanks for Fathers and Families through
The Thankful Campaign.
Throughout the month of November, we'll be leveraging our
Dad E-Mail,
Facebook page, and this blog to bring you helpful tips on raising thankful kids (
check out these 5 tips to get you started), share what we're thankful for here at NFI, and give you opportunities to show your thanks. If you haven't already, make sure you
sign-up for our Dad E-mail and
like our Facebook page so you can participate in The Thankful Campaign.
One exciting feature of The Thankful Campaign is that YOU get to be part of it. Each week, we will post a question on our Facebook page and will feature your answers (anonymously of course) on this blog. This week's question is:
How are you teaching your children to be thankful? Share your advice on Facebook and look for a blog post next week with your comments included.
http://www.fatherhood.org/the-thankful-campaign-2011 to learn more about The Thankful Campaign and show your thanks today!