Download > InsideOut Dad® Guide to Family Ties

InsideOut Dad® Guide to Family Ties covers many topics that help incarcerated fathers learn the importance of getting in touch - and staying in touch - with their family, maybe even for the first time. It also helps incarcerated fathers create strong ties between themselves and their children, and between them and the mother(s) of their child(ren).
What's Inside the Guide?
- Purpose and Parts of the Guide
- Part 1: What to Expect - Your Children, Your Children’s Mother, What You Should Do
- Part 2: Assess Yourself as Dad and Partner - The Ideal, The Real, The Deal
- Part 3: Getting and staying in touch - With Your Children’s Mother, With Your Children, Become an Expert on Your Children, Become a “Long Distance” Coach, Ways to Get and Stay in Touch
- Part 4: Create a reentry plan - Your Reentry Plan, Your Role in the Family, Bad Feelings, Gatekeepers, New Father Figures
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