As the nation gears up to cheer for Team USA in the 2012 London Olympics, we're gearing up to cheer for Team Dad in The Dad Games of 2012!
For five weeks we're challenging you to be a Gold Medal Dad by giving you specific actions to build your connection with your children, the mom of your children and your family.
It's important to invest in your relationship with your kids no matter what, but we're excited to make it extra fun this month with great prizes and giveaways - including autographed memorabilia from celebrity athletes and free skin care products for men!
How can you win?!
Every Wednesday for five weeks, the Dad Email™ will focus on a particular topic of what makes a Gold Medal Dad.
We'll provide a checklist of specific actions you can take during the week to build your connection with your children in five areas of Gold Medal fathering:
- Gold Medal Dads...Spend Time with Their Kids
- Gold Medal Dads...Communicate with Mom
- Gold Medal Dads...Affirm Their Kids
- Gold Medal Dads...Balance Work and Family
- Gold Medal Dads...Always Try to Improve
Then, to win one of the awesome Dad Games prizes...
- Connect with us during each week on the Blog, Facebook, and Twitter. Each comment, tag or mention (for that week) will make you eligible for a prize!
Sign up for the Dad Email™ to stay up-to-date with The Dad Games of 2012!
Invite other dads to join in The Dad Games by signing up to create some friendly competition with your dad friends.
Check The Father Factor Blog
I will talk about my participation in The Dad Games along with you. Make sure you're subscribed to the blog and comment with your stories and tips each week to be entered to win!

Follow Us on Twitter
Use #DadGames12 and join us for Twitter parties every Thursday at 9pm EST as TEAM DAD tweets about the weekly topic. One prize will be given at every Twitter party!
Tag Us on Facebook
Post on our timeline, share a picture of you doing something with your child from the Dad Games Checklist, or comment on our Dad Games posts to be entered to win a prize.
Are you ready for The Dad Games of 2012?
Join TEAM DAD and Be a Gold Medal Dad Today!
Visit our home for The Dad Games 2012 for more information.